Saturday, May 16, 2015

Top Five Criminally Underrated Action Sequels

When movie buffs talk about great action sequels, they typically bring up Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Aliens, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Lethal Weapon 2, or For a Few Dollars More. And it's no surprise, all of those films are excellent sequels that either match their predecessor or even surpass them. However, I think there are a few first sequels (the second film in the franchise) that are criminally underrated and should be mentioned more often. Therefore, I thought I would shed light on five underrated action sequels that successfully duplicate their predecessor's charms even if they aren't better films.

5) Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) - I believe that most action fans consider Under Siege 2 to be a good sequel. It's just that you never hear the words "great sequel" next to "Steven Seagal" nowadays. I personally find Under Siege 2 to be more enjoyable than Under Siege because the film realizes how ridiculous it is. Under Siege thinks that it is as tense as a Die Hard film, which it is a rip-off of. However, it's just not. You know that Seagal isn't going to lose because he's an unstoppable killing machine and not the funny everyman that Bruce Willis was. Therefore, Under Siege 2 seems to understand this and is thereby a far sillier but equally entertaining sequel. The film takes place on a train for goodness sakes, involves terrorists who control a laser shooting satellite, and provides a wider variety of props for Seagal to kill terrorists with. None of those elements would have appeared in the original Under Siege, except for said props to kill terrorists with. Under Siege 2 is a rare sequel that works on an equal playing field as the original. It never surpasses the scale of Under Siege, it simply duplicates the experience and moves it onto a train; thereby providing the different setting that a sequel requires. Check out my review here.

4) Predator 2 (1990) - This one has always perplexed me. Why in the world do people not worship this film? Predator 2 is an awesome sequel to the masterful Predator that amps up the gore and the kills. I love how Predator 2 is more of a cops and robbers film with a satirical view of the media and urban decay. Many people just can't let it go that this sequel has none of the original film's actors (besides Kevin Peter Hall, the Predator himself) and a completely different tone. Look, I agree that the original Predator is a masterful action picture that is difficult to equal. But Predator 2 is a best case scenario for a sequel that has a different cast, tone, setting, and director. Get over it people. Predator 2 gives you all of the action and excitement that you know you love. You just have to accept that it's not Predator 1, and than you'll have a blast with it. I'll keep campaigning for Predator 2 as long as I live because this blast of an action film is grossly underrated. Check out my review here.

3) Magnum Force (1973) - Everybody loves Dirty Harry and Sudden Impact because those are the two Dirty Harry films with the most iconic scenes and dialog. However, I have never understood why people don't praise the hell out of Magnum Force, the first Dirty Harry sequel and honestly my favorite of the series to watch. Magnum Force isn't just a cash in on the masterful Dirty Harry. It's an honest and brutal continuation of the original film's exploration of the limits placed on cops that prevent them from doing their jobs to the fullest of their ability. The film was written by John Milius of Conan the Barbarian and Red Dawn fame for goodness sakes. Plus, the sequel is jam packed with action. Harry kicks more ass in this film than he does in any of the other Dirty Harry films, including the first one. You'll see Harry stop plane hijackers, ride on the front of a car, blast some liquor store goons, and trick a dirty cop on a bike to drive off of a battleship. I mean come on people! Just writing about this movie gets me pumped. Magnum Force is a flat out awesome sequel that explores police corruption and vigilantism all tied within an action packed bow. 

2) A Better Tomorrow II (1987) - A lot of people give A Better Tomorrow II crap for being an obvious cash in on the success of John Woo's masterful A Better Tomorrow. And I completely agree that it is a cash in that comes up with the most ridiculous reason of all time for bringing back Chow Yun Fat. But you know what, I still think that A Better Tomorrow II is an action masterpiece that has some of the greatest shootouts in cinematic history. The film is also an honest continuation of heroic bloodshed themes through its exploration of brotherhood, honor, and loyalty. It makes me sad to know that John Woo disowns this film because I think that there are many things within the film to be proud of. And yeah, there are things to be embarrassed of. But that final shootout though! Come on! A Better Tomorrow II is an amazing sequel that blows the hell out of the original film's gun fights and continues to be a favorite of mine despite its slight problems.

1) The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) - The second Riddick film is truly one of the most underrated movie sequels of all time. I'll never understand why critics crap on this movie. Even though it is completely different from the first film, this sequel places the Riddick character into a Star Wars sized space opera with Dune aesthetics. How can you not love that? The Chronicles of Riddick is truly one of the most ambitious sequels of all time. David Twohy and Vin Diesel took their small scaled horror sci-fi and amped it up beyond anyone else's expectations. While it is unfortunate that the film has weak computer graphics and melodramatic performances, the various action sequences and sheer sense of scale make it an extremely enjoyable science fiction epic. I recommend the director's cut, which expands the film's mythos to greater heights and even ups the violence level. This is a sequel that deserves its time in the spotlight now that Vin Diesel is one of the biggest movie stars around.

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