Monday, July 25, 2016

The End of 'Better Clear On Out the Back'

That's right folks. I'm officially pulling the plug on Better Clear On Out the Back, my baby for all things action and first blog ever. The reason? I'm starting a different blog! So don't get too sad, the dream still lives on! But simply in a different way. Let me explain.

Over the last few months, I have written far less for my blog. I've had this issue where I type up notes for a review, and than honestly forget about it and never complete it. Before I know it, I've watched five or so other films and haven't even completed a review for that one film I watched months ago. I've also been struggling with how limiting my blog is. When I first started it, I was inspired by, a website dedicated to writing and posting about action movie news and reviews. I originally went into the site only wanting to focus on pure action films, such as Death Wish, Way of the Dragon, The Transporter, etc. You know, guns, bullets, explosions, those sort of things. However, as time went by, I started to write more about broader action films, such as sci-fi blockbusters and superhero films. Not that they are my favorite, because they aren't, but because I needed to write about a larger spectrum of cinema.

Me in front of the Die Hard building.
In order to wipe the slate clean, I am going to start up a new blog. I need to write about all of cinema. And not just cinema, but also music, television, video games, books, and graphic novels. And not simply reviews, but also opinion pieces and essays on specific topics, not just over views of entire works of art. Therefore, I have decided to end Better Clear On Out the Back and start up a new blog that will also act as a portfolio for all new and previous writings of mine. Whether you know or not, I also contribute reviews and writings for City on Fire, and excellent martial arts movie news and reviews site. I also have my own podcast, Van Damme It!, in which me and a friend explore all of Jean-Claude Van Damme's films. The goal of the new site will ultimately be to turn it into the one stop shop for all things Zach Nix on the internet. From podcasts I've been on, to articles I've written on this site or another, the blog will compile all previous works and new works of mine. I'll mainly be using the site to write new thoughts and opinions of mine, but also hope to turn it into an ongoing portfolio of sorts that showcases my growing abilities, from my crappy early writings to my not so crappy current ones.

Therefore, hats off to Better Clear On Out the Back! It's been a great time tackling all sorts of action classics, from standalone pictures such as Sylvester Stallone's Cobra to franchises like the Predator series. Overall, I officially reviewed 155 action movies. Wow. I've had a blast discovering films I never knew existed to sharing about films that I love with all of my heart. However, the journey continues, as I will continue to discover and share films, just not purely action films. And don't go thinking this is the end of my obsession with action, because it's not. I'm still going to write about Scott Adkins and DTV. It is my passion. But I also need to mix it in with reviews about non-action films. Maybe I'll change my mind and bring it back, but for now and for certain, I've got to do this other thing. Stay tuned for the name and link to the new blog.

1 comment:

  1. Well congratulations on starting your next step! I'm excited to see what you make of it! There are definitely a ton of non-action films I see on your Letterboxd that I wish I had seen reviews on here, so I'm very much looking forward to your expanded scope.
